Joint Organisation Net Zero Acceleration (JONZA)
The Joint Organisation Net Zero Acceleration (JONZA) grant program is to employ a dedicated in-house staff member for twelve months. This additional staff member will help to drive drive progress toward the recommendations of the RAMJO Regional Energy Strategy, and help achieve net zero outcomes.
In November 2022 the RAMJO Board adopted the RAMJO Regional Energy Strategy. The JONZA project is a capacity building project based on the recommendations of the Regional Energy Strategy. The focus is to assist member councils accelerate activities which will:
- reduce the emissions of the participating Councils,
- increase efficiencies, and
- assist the NSW Government to meet the goals outlined in its Net Zero policies and strategies.
Welcome to Shumona Roy, our Energy and Sustainability Project Manager.
Shumona is working with member councils on projects such as:
- Switching electricity contracts to achieve savings.
- Reviewing tariffs
- Identifying potential regional procurement opportunities
- Increasing understanding and capacity about energy provision and data
- Increasing the proportion of smart meters to improve data collection and reduce staff time
- Setting up processes to allow councils to engage in a joint Energy Supply Agreement to allow more certainty over energy costs over time.
- Working towards a transport strategy
- Examining opportunities for mid-scale solar for interested councils.
The project is also working to build capacity and share resources across other Joint Organisations across NSW. This includes identifying tools and processes and training opportunities that can be used by RAMJO councils.
One of the first projects for Shumona will be working towards developing a Project Management Plan for JONZA, drawing off the RAMJO Regional Energy Strategy, and new goals and focus areas as identified by member councils, and she will be coordinating our EV Summit, “Charging Ahead”, in Griffith next February. More details on the summit below.

If you would like further information about the project components or how you can be involved, please contact Yvonne Lingua at
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