Media Releases

New Freight Transport Plan to Keep Our Region Going
A new Regional Freight Transport Plan identifying key priority road infrastructure projects and strategies for completion has been developed for the southern Riverina and Murray areas of NSW. In announcing the outlined strategies to coincide with Road Safety Week...

Murray Darling Basin Partnership Boost
A new partnership has strengthened the case for a cooperative research centre focussed on solving one of Australia’s most complex and challenging issues - a sustainable Murray-Darling Basin. The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation of 11 NSW local government...

United View on Water Management Options Well Received
A unique water discussion paper, over a year in the making, was released to the public on Monday and has already attracted the attention of Environment Minister Sussan Ley for its positive, solutions-based approach to water management of the Murray-Darling Basin. For...

New Options for Future Water Management
RIVERINA AND MURRAY REGIONAL LEADERS UNITED ON WAY FORWARD For the first time in living memory, community leaders across the drought-ravaged Murray and southern Riverina region have united to develop a position on water, intended to show government a way to provide...