Under the Federal Government’s Regional Connectivity Program (RCP), the project will add new ‘true broadband’ technology on three existing towers and build two new 45m telco towers along the Newell Highway and Kidman Way.
Ms Ley said this is an exciting joint partnership* between the Commonwealth, private enterprise and local government which will deliver new coverage across 6,400sqkm, boosting internet and mobile data to over 3,000 residents and 430 businesses.
“It will keep our businesses connected, helps local families and visitors stay in touch and delivers improved access to health, education and online services.”
Murrumbidgee Council Mayor Cr Ruth McRae thanked the Australian Government, Field Services Group, Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation and the many individuals and corporations who contributed to making the project a reality.”
The RCP is part of the Coalition Government’s ongoing commitment to bring the digital economy to rural Australia, complementing the National Broadband Network and the Mobile Black Spot Program.
*Murrumbidgee LGA Project partners – $1,242,800 total project cost
Federal Government, Field Solutions Group, Murrumbidgee Council, Nokia (technology partner), Altina Wildlife Park, Cavaso Farming, Cotton Australia & Coleambally Irrigation.