You Got This Mate is a dedicated website for rural men (young, old and everyone in between) which provides action-focussed tips and information to help men reach their best possible mental health.
The site has been designed in close consultation with Rural Advisory Mental Health Program’s (RAMHP) Rural Men’s Resource Advisory Group.
Key features of You Got This Mate include:
- lived experience videos;
- an interactive quiz;
- self-help information and commonly asked questions and answers;
- links to online help and telephone services;
- information about seeking professional help;
- information about helping others, and helping someone at risk of suicide; and
- information about RAMHP including the RAMHP Coordinator postcode locator map.
If you are having a tough time and need to talk to someone right now call:
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
- NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
These are all confidential and available 24/7.